Club Name Sponsors About Room When
Theater Mrs. Hally Ms. Narcavage Runs yearly by audition November-February Auditorium Afterschool and Saturdays
Chorus Mrs. Hally Ms. Peterson Runs all year, 2 evening performances (Winter/Spring) Trailer/auditorium/228 Lunch periods daily and before school Mondays and Wednesdays
Board Game and Movie Club Miss Knowles Ms. Capone The mission of the Board Game and Movie Club is to create a welcoming space where students can build friendships, engage in creative thinking, and explore diverse stories and ideas through games and films. Our goal is to foster collaboration, encourage respectful discussion, and provide a fun environment for relaxation and growth outside of academics. We aim to inspire curiosity, improve social skills, and build a community centered around shared interests and positive experiences. 221 Wednesdays (except the first Wednesday of every month) from 2:40 - 4:00
Homework Club Ms. Moscony Provides support in any school subject, or just a place to complete your homework. Library After school on Tuesdays & Wednesdays until 3:30
Chess Club Ms. Narcavage Members will meet to Learn and Grow, Foster Community and Inclusion,Enhance Cognitive Skills Mondays after school from 3:00PM - 4:00PM Not on the First Monday of the Month or any holidays
ELA Honor Society Mr. Tierney Ms. Jao Membership in the ELA Honor Society fosters profound and deepening appreciation of literature 106 Listen for Announcement
Morning Basketball Mr. Swope Play morning basketball prior to the start of school Front Gym Mornings
Cross-Country Intramurals Ms. Coughlan The club will run in the Fall 104 Monday, Tuesday Thursday & Friday
Science Club Ms. Carchidi Mr. Edmond Science club is meant to provide BHMS students with hands-on science learning opportunities. We focus on the courtyard garden, going to Naylor's Run which is a local ecosystem, various scientific topics a virtual science fair. 128 Schedule is predetermined and provided with the permission slip. Mostly Tuesdays after school.
Art Club Mr. King Mr. Ferguson Explore your creativity and have fun in Art Club! Open to all middle school students, this club is a space to express yourself through drawing, painting, sculpture, and more. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced artist, you'll learn new techniques, work on cool projects, and make friends who share your passion for art. Join us to unleash your imagination! 3 or 4 Tuesdays 3:00 - 4:00 PM
Student Council Mr. Bartley Ms. Cocco Make a difference in your school and develop leadership skills by joining Student Council! This group gives you a voice to plan events, share ideas, and represent your classmates. Work together to improve your school community, organize fun activities, and build teamwork skills. Be a leader and help make our school the best it can be! 110 Once a month
Intramural Volleyball Mr. Bartley Mr. Purcell To improve volleyball skills 110 Front Gym Tuesday and Wednesday's following Spring Break (Signups prior to spring break)
Minority Men in Medicine Mr. Edmond Get students engaged in steam activities and learn about medicine 120 TBD
ELL Tutoring Mr. Piro, Ms. Goldston, Ms. Hogg, Ms. Kelly This opportunity is for students who are English Learners. Tutoring will focus on English Language Development and support with core academic classes as needed/requested by EL students. 10 Mondays, Tuesdays & Wednesdays from 2:45 - 3:45 PM
  • Clubs and Activities will be posted upon approval of the School Board for the 2024-25 School Year.


    Interested in starting an after-school club?

    1. Find a teacher to support your club or activity!
    2. Have the teacher get approval from administration!
    3. Find other students interested in the club!
    4. Determine a time and place where the club will meet!