Here at Beverly Hills Middle School, the Student Assistance Program (SAP) is a confidential program that aims to identify issues that pose as barriers to a student’s learning and school success. These barriers include the following:
**Health (physical and mental)
**Behaviors/Disciplinary issues
Purpose of the SAP Program:
** identify students who are faced with the above barriers which impact their success in school
**To offer an assessment to students and families to explore barriers and help link students and families to community resources
**To refer identified students for help and resources not only within the school but also the community.
**To provide student groups for education, prevention, and support.
Who can make referrals?
**School Staff
Individuals can make a referral by contacting the student’s guidance counselor.
Steps of the SAP process:
Referral: Anyone can refer a student. The SAP team contacts parents for permission to proceed.
Team Planning: Information is gathered from those who work directly with student and a case manager is assigned to contact parent to review data and offer in school services or an assessment by a consultant from Holcomb
Intervention and Recommendations: Through an assessment community and/ or school based resources are offered
Support and Follow up: Continued support for student and family by SAP team
Assessment Process/Information:
Students and families are provided with an assessment that is FREE of charge by a member of Holcomb Behavioral Health. Students may be provided with some of the following:
**Community resources
**In School Support services
**School-Based Groups
Concerns that may warrant a SAP Referral:
**Substance and alcohol use
**Sudden drop in grades
**Withdrawn behavior
**Mood Swings
**Chronic irritability and/or defiance
**Peer changes