8201 Lansdowne Ave Renovation - Administration Building

  • Upper Darby School District is hosting a series of virtual community listening sessions to discuss the upcoming renovation of the District-owned property located at 8201 Lansdowne Avenue, Upper Daby PA. The District wants the input of stakeholders as we move forward with this capital improvement project. This much-needed project is a requisite for the expansion and renovation of Aronimink Elementary School and will help to alleviate some of the long-standing building capacity and student enrollment concerns in elementary and middle schools.


    The District has offered two (2) community conversation meetings. The first meeting was primarily extended to residents directly surrounding the property. The District expanded that invitation to the subsequent meetings to include residents in the general area and any stakeholders interested in the potential project for the remaining three meetings. See below for video recordings of the community meetings. The videos can also be found on our YouTube channel under "Facilities Improvements."