Spring Track
Come ready to practice outside
- Wear: Long pants, Running sneakers, Sweatshirt, Jacket, Hat, Gloves
- Bring a Water Bottle!
- Meet at the Track, back entrance, by the Weight Room - 3:15.
All athletes must have their FamilyID updated for the SPRING Season.
Even if you did FamilyID for the Fall or Winter, you must UPDATE FamilyID for the Spring.
Your FamilyID account must be checked and approved by the Athletic Office before any athlete is permitted to practice.
If you have any questions, please contact the Athletic office at (610) 622-7000 ext. 2372.
Tentative Schedule Spring 2023
Date Meet Location Bus Start Time 3/25 UD Relays Marple High School TBA TBA 3/29 Central League Meet #1 TBA TBA TBA 4/1 Haverford Invitational TBA TBA TBA 4/12 Central League Meet #2 TBA TBA TBA 4/19 Central League Meet #3 TBA TBA TBA 4/14 TBA (Upper Dublin on Friday or Coatesville or Bensalem on Saturday) TBA TBA 4/15 TBA (Upper Dublin on Friday or Coatesville or Bensalem on Saturday) TBA TBA 4/17 9th Grade PR Trials Hatboro-Horsham 1:45 PM 4:30pm 4/22 Father Judge Relays 7:00 AM TBA 4/26 Throwers Only Meet UD TBA TBA 4/27 Penn Relays TBA TBA 4/28 Penn Relays TBA TBA 4/29 Whippet Invitational Downingtown 6:45 AM TBA 5/3 Delcos Sun Valley HS TBA TBA 5/4 Delcos Sun Valley HS TBA TBA 5/5 Delcos Sun Valley HS TBA TBA 5/6 Delcos Sun Valley HS TBA TBA 5/10 CAL Championships Lower Merion HS TBA TBA 5/13 Last Chance Meet TBA TBA TBA 5/14 Last Chance Meet TBA TBA TBA 5/15 Last Chance Meet TBA TBA TBA 5/15 Throwers Only Last Chance UD TBA TBA 5/19 District 1 Championships Coatesville TBA TBA 5/26 PIAA States Championship Shippensburg TBA TBA 5/27 PIAA States Championship Shippensburg TBA TBA 5/28 PIAA States Championship Shippensburg TBA TBA